Françoise Rapp

Imagine a world where the purest form of water, distilled through a fascinating process, can be harnessed from the very essence of nature itself. This water has rejuvenating properties and is vital to unlocking the beauty secrets of your skin and hair. That magical world exists and is right here on our very own planet! Let me introduce you to the beautiful world of distilled water from fragrant and non-fragrant plants.

The journey begins with distillation, which involves boiling water and collecting the steam in a clean container, leaving behind any impurities. This process produces distilled water loaded with volatile principles found in plants. Our story takes a turn here as we delve into the two categories of distilled water: water distilled from odorless plants and water distilled from fragrant plants.

Enter the enchanting world of fragrant plants, where you’ll find rosemary, rose, thyme, mint, eucalyptus, lavender, chamomile, helichrysum, juniper berries, buds of fir, feather, sabine oregano, sage, and wild thyme. These captivating plants entice your senses with their delightful aromas and provide numerous benefits to your skin and hair.

The Magical Properties of Floral Waters & Hydrosols

Also known as hydrosols, floral and plant waters possess various magical properties that can help beautify your skin and hair. These properties include softening, anti-redness, soothing, purifying, astringent, fortifying capillary, moisturizing, illuminating the complexion, purifying, sebum regulator, and toning. With such an array of powers, it’s no wonder these waters have become a secret weapon for many in their quest for beauty and wellness.

Matching Floral Waters to Your Skin Type: A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure

As we approach the end of our journey, it’s time to choose the right type of water that can help improve the health and appearance of your skin and hair. Different types of floral and plant waters correspond to other skin types in terms of benefits. Here are some examples to guide you on your path:

Dry Skin:

Seek the soothing powers of lavender, Roman chamomile, and orange blossom water.

Sensitive and Reactive Skin:

Find solace in Italian helichrysum, cypress, cistes, and chamomile water.

Normal to Oily Skin:

Embrace the balancing touch of lavender water and geranium water.

Mixed Skin:

Discover a harmonious blend of lavender water, rose water, mint water, juniper water, geranium water, and cornflower water.

Acneic Skin:

Face your challenges with thyme water (for acne in young boys), rosemary verbenone water (cutaneous and oral), clary sage water (for acne in young girls), and blueberry water.

Anti-aging/Mature Skin:

Turn back time with rose, Italian helichrysum, carrot, cistus, and clary sage water.

Atone Skin:

Invoke the powers of clary sage water, myrtle water, witch hazel water, and carrot water.

As our adventure ends, remember that each sheet in the following chapter details the virtues of floral or plant water. By understanding the properties of floral and plant waters and their corresponding skin types, you can choose the right kind of water that can help improve the health and appearance of your skin and hair. Now, go forth and unlock the secrets of distilled water from fragrant and non-fragrant plants, and let the magic begin!


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